Ref Code: | DA-75 |
Faction: | 80 |
Series: | Wardaros |
Type: | Drago Head |
Class: | |
Crew: | 1 |
Armaments: | |
Notes: |
A large Waruda machine with a new, malevolent-looking head unit reminiscent of a giant beast dragon. By merging with the DA-76 Ghoul Head, it forms the giant Warudaros Evolgigantor, becoming its upper body. The head unit is equipped with the head unit from the third mode of the Gigantor-class Wardaros, the God of Destruction Mode, which surpasses the Giant Beast Mode and Fiend Mode. It is a giant beast type raider machine composed of the body’s <Horn Larva>, the legs’ insect type raider <Ant Head>, and the tail’s sword type raider <Saber Head>.

Dragon Head unit.
The front part houses the cockpit where Warudaroid boards, and the rear part is the “Evol Head”.


Evol Head
Connected to the torso as a head unit when in Evolgigantor: God of Destruction Mode. By unfolding its forehead, it changes from a single eye to two eyes. When dual-eyed, it functions as a light-gathering effect.

Equipped with lock mechanism
A locking mechanism has been added to the grip of the saber head (sword mode).

Expansion joint
Can be connected to the fuselage’s connection points.

DA-23 Waruda suit “Flinger” is not included in the product.
Evolgigantor God of Destruction Mode
The strongest mode of the evolved form of Warudaros, Evolgigantor, which is completed by expanding the body to its maximum extent and connecting the Araknator’s Arm Larva to both shoulders. The units in each section can be reconfigured to create a variety of attack forms.

Demon Mode
(Also known as Majin Mode)

Evol Gigantor Devil Mode

Mega Zilla Mode

Evolgigantor Mega Zilla Mode

This is an example of an enhanced fusion (ABSORISE) form that is completed by reassembling the fuselage of Drago Head and Ghoul Head.
It can transform into a variety of heavyweight giant beast forms and attack at will.

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