The Verse Riser (also Versriser) series is a multi-power system machine that greatly expands the functionality of the system. Consisting of a V-mover at the front, a multi-use launcher unit in the middle, and a functional unit at the rear, the machine can be separated and connected with machines equipped with the system to perform a variety of combat maneuvers depending on the situation.
The Vers Riser 01 is an all-purpose flying machine equipped with a flight unit with a built-in high-power booster at the rear to enhance the flying functions of the VERS machine. It can not only fly in the atmosphere, but can also move in space by switching the propulsion system. It inherits the operational philosophy of independent complete functional module machines with small FZ generators such as the Gyroceptor, so it can be used as a drone reconnaissance machine, chamber transporter, P/S boarding type flying machine, and many more.

Set contents

V-mover 01 (Red Spirit)
The V-Mover (Vers Mover) is a multi-variable power suit that can respond to a variety of situations. It is the third generation of the power suit series developed after the Neo Attack System. Like the previous P/S series, it is equipped with variable functions such as Mech Mode and Maneuver Mode, and is fully interlocked with the VERS compatible multi-purpose combat system by changing into a bolt core-type module.
The V-Mover 01 is a multi-variable power suit with high-visibility aerocanopy-type cowl armor. The super-hardened aluminum nitride cowl armor is equipped with a gravity-field deflector shield protection system, and in its bolted mode it becomes a pod machine capable of atmospheric descent.

Manuver Mode

Mech Mode

Mech Mode B

V-mover bullet mode

Ride Mode

Flight Extension Mode

Comparison with Previous Power Suits

Comparison with successive generations of power suits
All items except DA-52 Verse Riser No. 1 are not included in the product.
Flight Unit

Joint for rail

Not included in the product except for DA-52 Verse Riser No.1.
Joint for Tri-Verse Expansion

Not included in the product except for DA-52 Verse Riser No.1.
Raid Chamber Suspension

Raid chambers and land type laid chambers
Not included in the product except for DA-52 Verse Riser No.1.
Verse Formation Enhanced Form
Tri-Verse Tri-Dasher

Tri-Verse Tridusher Tri-Verse Tridusher
DA-52 Except for the Verse Riser No. 1, the product does not include the following items.
Tri-Verse Tri Jetter

Tri-Verse Trijetter Tri-Verse Trijetter
DA-52 Except for Verse Riser No.1, other items are not included in the product.
Tri-Verse Tridigger

Trivers Tridiggers
All items except DA-52 Verse Riser No.1 are not included in the product.
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