DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor

DA-50 Warudaros (Gigantor)

Warudaros Gigantor

The invading Waruda aliens attack using a variety of battle machines in various forms. Many different types of humanoid attack machines have been confirmed since the First Defense War against the Waruda, but humanoid attack machines that have common characteristics, such as the shape of the machine’s head unit, are frequently modified and strengthened. Due to its attack methods being updated, it is seen as the Waruda’s general-purpose main weapon, and is categorized as “Wardaros”.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor

Wardaros (GIGANTOR) is the first individual confirmed in the Second Defense War against the Waruda after the construction of the Neo Attack System, and the identification code name (GIGANTOR) is among the aircraft classified as Warudaros that have been confirmed so far.

Gigantor is said to have a combat capability equivalent to the Overdose/swarm of Waruda suits (a super-collective state that exceeds the critical control value of a squadron of Diaclone).

The most distinctive feature of the Gigantor is its ability to change its form according to the combat situation. First of all, the transformation function by moving the parts of the body from the defensive specialized deformed creature form <Mega Zilla Mode> to the attack specialized humanoid form <Demon Mode>. The configuration of this enormous mecha can be said to be a super-sized Waruda Raider. The upper half of the body can be separated into a horned beast type machine called the Bullhead with a seated cockpit, and the lower half of the body can be separated into a combat machine called the Pod Bunker with a worm-pod cockpit that can also change into a flying form, allowing it to maneuver independently. Each part of the body has multiple connection points that are connected to directional beam launch pods and hunter pods for capture. “By fusing the Waruda Suit and Waruda Raider to these bonding points, the aircraft can be strengthened in a way that surpasses the Multi-Prize ∞ and Evolize.”

Typical Gigantor attacks begin from the Waruda mothership, which exits from subspace near the target planet. There are reports of a descent assault pattern in which the Gigantor is dropped directly at the ground in Demon Mode or Mega Zilla Mode, and a sub-air ambush pattern in which the Gigantor attacks from a short-range sub-space transfer gate in Separate Machine Form.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Warudaroid Cockpit
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Capture Pods

Demon Mode

A humanoid battle form with a head unit unique to the Warudaros type. A mode specialized in offensive warfare, with an agile total body maneuverability that belies its huge body. There are also sword-like augmentations connected to its shoulders.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Front View
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Rear View
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Landing Stance
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor

Size comparison with other Diaclone mecha.
Only DA-50 Warudaros <Gigantor> is included.

Mega-Zilla Mode Mode

A terrifying form whose head is a bullhead with ferocious fangs. Compared to the Demon Mode, its overall manoeuvrability is slower, but it is sports immense aircraft defense power that minimizes the exposure of the fuselage joints and internal frame.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Mega-Zilla Mode front
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Mega-Zilla Mode back
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Mega-Zilla size comparison

Size comparison with other Diaclone mecha.
Only DA-50 Warudaros <Gigantor> is included.


A bipedal horned beast-type raider machine. It is composed of a large collection of Waruda Raiders, the core of which is the dragon-shaped Horn Larva, and two insect-type Raiders on either side, the Ant Head. The Ant Head can also function as a multi-legged tank that can be boarded by Warudaroids. The tail-like unit of the Horn Larva also separates into a serpentine-type raider, the Saberhead, to launch independent attacks.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Bull Head Rear
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Bull Head Rear
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Horn Larva
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Ant Head
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Ant Head

Pod Bunker

It has eight connection points, and has the ability to change from a battleship-like flight form to a bipedal mobile machine. There have been reports of Gigantor sightings where the pod bunkers have joined together to form a giant quadrupedal machine.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Pod Bunker Front
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Pod Bunker Rear
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Pod Bunker Walker Front
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Pod Bunker Walker Rear
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Pod Bunker Walker Stance

Saber Head

A serpentine raider that becomes a tail unit in Mega-Zilla mode and a saber-type weapon in Demon mode. It can also be suspended on the back of the Demon Mode.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Saber Head 1
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Saber Head 2
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Saber Head Back Storage 1
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Saber Head Back Storage 2

Expansion joints

Can be connected to the grip of the saber head or the end of the Waruda suit to create a 20mm convex joint.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Expansion Joints

Reinforced Armament Parts

Can be connected to the connection points of the body.

20mm concave joint

Can be attached and detached by rotating it. Can be used to remove short depth block parts.


Warudaros (GIGANTOR) has the ability to reconstruct its body, which allows it to freely strengthen and fuse with other (GIGANTOR), (SOLDIER TYPE), Waruda Suit or Warudaraider, and their Multiprize states, in which they evolve and multiply infinity.

Even if a part of the Gigantor is destroyed, such as the arms or upper body, the surrounding Warudamechs will immediately mimic the missing part and fuse with it, allowing the (GIGANTOR) to continue fighting without degrading its functions.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Absorise 1
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Absorise 2
DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor Absorise 3

What are Warudaros?

The invading alien race, the Waruda, attack utilising a variety of battle machines which can take various forms. Although many different humanoid attack machines have been identified since the First War against the Waruda, it has been noted that a great many share distinctive similarities, such as the design of their head units (often described as “eerie” or “bug like”). These are categorized as “Warudaros”. They also commonly share a bipedal, body-type, although not exclusively.

Warudaros units come in a variety of sizes and can be upgraded and strengthened with their means of attack updated as a result.

DA-50 Warudaros Gigantor
DA-50 Warudaros
DA-58 Warudaros Soldier Type (front)
DA-58 Warudaros <Soldier Type>
DA-67 Soldier Type II
DA-67 Warudaros <Soldier Type II>
DA-75 & 76 Evolgigantor = Demon Mode
DA-75 & DA-76 Warudaros