

The Waruda (sometimes translated as ‘Walder’) are an aggressive species of alien, seemingly a chimera of more than one race, whose careless exploitation of their home world’s resources lead to an environmental disaster on an unparalleled scale, rendering it inhospitable to life and forcing them to spread through untold galaxies, taking whatever they pleased and assimilating any technology into their own.

  • DA-26 Waruda Suits “Dark Flinger” & “Dark Stang” (Dark Cathode Type) Set

    DA-26 Waruda Suits “Dark Flinger” & “Dark Stang” (Dark Cathode Type) Set

    The Walder Suit (Dark Cathode Type) is a mobile infantry machine with a color-reversed exterior that is the same type of machine as the Flinger and Stang. They are referred to as “Dark Flinger” and “Dark Stang” respectively. As a result of disassembly and analysis of captured machines by the Diaclone science research team, it…

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  • DA-31 Warudaraider (Rapto Head)

    DA-31 Warudaraider (Rapto Head)

    The “Rapto Head” is an identification code name given due to the unit’s silhouette and agile attack pattern, reminiscent of the Velociraptor, a small but deadly dinosaur that lived about 75 million years ago. The core module is called the “Raptopod” and consists of a seated cockpit and a strong tail unit, with two directional…

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  • DA-34 Warudaraider (Rapto Head) (Dark Cathode Type)

    DA-34 Warudaraider (Rapto Head) (Dark Cathode Type)

    Like the Waruda suit, the Waruda Raider also has anode and cathode types. The dark cathode type is the one with the black iron exterior, and its function is the same as the cathode-type Waruda suit, controlling the energy control function and bringing about a super amplification effect of the total power when the machines…

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  • DA-38 Warudaraider (Bug Head)

    DA-38 Warudaraider (Bug Head)

    A Waruda fighting machine of the Waruda Raider series. The core module consisting of the cockpit and tail unit is called the “Bug Pod”, and the Larva unit consisting of the chain cutter arm, arthropod legs, and wing module are combine with it to form a giant insect-like form, code name is “Bug Head”. Despite…

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  • DA-43 Warudaraider (Bug Head) (Dark Cathode Type)

    DA-43 Warudaraider (Bug Head) (Dark Cathode Type)

    The Waruda Raider “Bughead” is a Waruda fighting machine with a cockpit called the Bugpod as its core, with “cutter” arms, arthropod legs, wing modules, and other units that combine to form a mecha similar to a giant insect. As with the Waruda suit, there are two types of Waruda Raiders, one with anode and…

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  • DA-50 Warudaros (Gigantor)

    DA-50 Warudaros (Gigantor)

    Warudaros Gigantor The invading Waruda aliens attack using a variety of battle machines in various forms. Many different types of humanoid attack machines have been confirmed since the First Defense War against the Waruda, but humanoid attack machines that have common characteristics, such as the shape of the machine’s head unit, are frequently modified and…

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  • DA-58 Warudaros (Soldier Type)

    DA-58 Warudaros (Soldier Type)

    A relatively new threat sent by the invading alien Waruda, the Soldier Type is a dangerous humanoid Warudaros series attack machine, in Dark Cathode colors. Compare with Warudaros <Soldier Type II> in its anode color scheme. First identified around the same time as the super-dreadnought class Warudaros Gigantor, there are an increasing amount of reports…

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  • DA-67 Warudaros (Soldier Type II)

    DA-67 Warudaros (Soldier Type II)

    A fearsome assassin of the invading alien Waruda, the Warudaros <Soldier Type II>, like the Waruda suit, has the attributes of a cathode and an anode, and when the two machines work together, they create a power amplification effect that allows them to perform variable synchronized attacks. Named with the identification code “Type II”, it…

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  • DA-75 Warudaros (Drago Head)

    DA-75 Warudaros (Drago Head)

    A large Waruda machine with a new, malevolent-looking head unit reminiscent of a giant beast dragon. By merging with the DA-76 Ghoul Head, it forms the giant Warudaros Evolgigantor, becoming its upper body. The head unit is equipped with the head unit from the third mode of the Gigantor-class Wardaros, the God of Destruction Mode,…

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  • DA-76 Warudaros (Ghoul Head)

    DA-76 Warudaros (Ghoul Head)

    A giant beast-type raider machine with a bizarre monocular head unit. By merging with the Drago Head, it forms the Warudaros Evolgigantor, and becomes its lower half. The front part of the machine consists of a head unit and two Arm Larvae in the neck, which can be separated and maneuver independently as an arthropod-type…

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