The Earth Defence Force, known as Diaclone, was established following the initial Waruda attacks, uniting humanity against a common enemy for the first time.
The Diaclone Corps, piloting immensely powerful mecha, consists of elite individuals selected from the citizens of the Macro Zones to defend Earth from any conceivable threat. These members possess athlete-level physical abilities, immense mental fortitude, and are characterized by their courage, passion, and unwavering commitment to peace.
DA-89 Dianauts V2
The “Diatector” worn by Diaclone personnel is an all-environmental combat armor with power-assist functions for superior mobility and defensive performance. By closing the visor and switching to sealed mode, it becomes a completely independent, all-purpose airtight suit that can operate in any environment, from outer space to the deep sea! Specifications of Diaclone Crew Ver.…
DA-90 Motocruiser/Raidbullet Set
Raid Scepter The cruiser-type “Raid Scepter” is a tactical two-wheeled combat vehicle of the Diaclone Corps. Driven by FZ superconducting in-wheel motor, it runs on all surfaces at super high speed. Equipped with gliding boosters for leaping at the bottom of aircrafts, it can move over obstacles such as crevasses and swamps. It is a…
DA-91 Super Heavy Machine (Pod Gantry)
Pod Gantry is a mobile maintenance base type super-heavy machine that is operated at the front line or operational deployment points where emergency return to base is difficult. The large container-type combat machine deploys and transforms into a multi-purpose maintenance base form with a towering tower-type gantry equipped with four hanger bridges and two crane…
DA-92 Powered Convoy (Combined Armor)
Official name: Powered Convoy (VM-S). An enhanced decisive battle maneuver form of Battle Convoy V-MAX, which is equipped with armored Powered Greater (V-SHADOW) which grants it considerable stealth functions. It performs super-fast aerial combat maneuvers using Mighty Wing boosters, high-speed combat maneuvers using crawler units and booster wheels, and optical camouflage tactics to perform dynamic…
DA-93 Robot Base Machine Set (Gaurdion) | Robot Base
Dia Guardion A humanoid combat machine consisting of three escort machines , (Dia-Guard 01), (Dia-Guard 02), and (Dia-Guard 03), and that can be mounted on the Robot Base. It is the main fighting machine with the most powerful fighting power among the machines mounted on the Robot Base. It is the first machine equipped with…