DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verse Caliber) Expansion Set

DA-81 BPGV Extension Set

Powered Suit F-TYPE

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type (rear)

The F-type is a powered suit specialized for close combat. It is equipped with armor that can withstand intense combat and the instantaneous force of a lightweight, compact machine. It also has the characteristics of a machine that specializes in combat, embodying the “soft conquers hard” concept by making full use of the latest technologies, center of gravity movement prediction sensors and nitro acceleration actuators.

In order to increase the rate of destruction and control by close combat manoeuvres using the Big Powered GV , which is the basis of tactics against Warudaros Gigantor, elite pilots belonging to the combat tactics unit may be assembled on a limited basis together with F-type aircraft when deployed.

V Mover 04 <Hard Head>

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover <Hard Head>
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover (rear)

V-mover 04 <Hard Head> is a multiple-modification powered suit with a visible canopy guarded by a robust frame. It can also be operated as a cockpit module for Powered 02-V to 05-V in bollet mode. Because of its high visibility, it is often used as a rescue machine by security and rescue organizations such as the GIGAZONE Security Forces . The rescue-type V-Mover 04 equipped with a traveling expansion unit is frequently accompanied by the rescue unit as a rear backup machine when deployed on various types of operations.

Set Contents

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - set contents

Diaclone crew

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - crew

The “Diatector,” worn by Diaclone personnel, is an all-environmental combat armor with power-assist functions for superior mobility and defensive performance. By closing the visor and switching to sealed mode, it becomes a completely independent, all-purpose airtight suit that can operate in any environment, from outer space to the deep sea!

Powered Suit F-TYPE

Mech Mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type (mech mode)
Integrate mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type (Integration mode)
Ride mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type (Ride mode)
Hangar mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - Powered Suit F-Type (Hangar ode)

Powered suits System Diagram

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Fusion) Expansion Set 001_07

V-Mover 04 <Hard Head>

Mech Mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover (Mech Mode)
Integrate mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover (Mech Mode B)
Bullet mode
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover (Bullet Mode)
Ride mode

Driving expansion unit installed

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover (Driving expansion unit installed)
DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set - V-Mover (Driving expansion unit installed)

Powered Suits Diagram

DA-81 Big Powered GV (Verscaliber) Expansion Set

Fusion and combination with Big Powered GV (sold separately)

V=Mover 04 fusion and combination with Big Powered GV <Verse Caliber>

V-mover connected to a high-mobility fighter

V-Mover 04 connected to High Mobility Fighter

DA-81 BPGV expansion set is not included in the product except for the DA-81 BPGV expansion set.

V-mover connected to Powered 04-V/05-V towing vehicle

V-Mover 04 connected to towing vehicle

DA-81 BPGV extension set is not included in the product.

Big Powered GV with Destructor Cannon (sold separately)

Products other than DA-81 BPGV Expansion Set are not included.

FZ Plasma Gun for Big Powered GV (sold separately)

Products are not included except for the DA-81 BPGV Extension Set.

Raid Chamber Suspension

Products are not included except for the DA-81 BPGV Extension Set.

All photos shown are under development. They may differ from actual products.