The Verse Riser No. 3 (C-Grasper: Construct Grasper) is a twin-armed heavy machinery machine owned by the Diacron Engineering Corps. It is also used by the Gigathorn Planetary Development Unit and the Cosmic Guard as a facility work vehicle.
It is based on the Verse Riser III, which strengthens the Verse Machine, and is a custom machine adapted for various craft work such as base construction, aircraft maintenance support, and wreckage removal. The V-Mover 03 at the front is operated as a work support and protection machine during work. The main body and various attachments have been adjusted to allow for more delicate work compared to the power-oriented original machine.
Of course, in the event of an emergency, it can be used as a powerful heavy machinery type fighting machine to enhance the fighting capabilities of the verse machine, just like the original machine. When connected as an arm unit to the humanoid form of the Tri-Verse machine, the base energy unit is connected to the arm mount base on the back, and the exoskeleton-type powered arms (Exo Gauntlets) with articulated structure are held on both arms. It can be connected to all Tri-Verse series, and the powered arms flexibly follow the movements of the arms to completely destroy the enemy in an incredibly powerful combat maneuver.

Set Contents


The Diatektor worn by the Diaclone crew is an all-environment combat armor with excellent mobility and defense, equipped with a power assist function. It’s also a great way to make sure you don’t get caught in the middle of the action.
V-mover 03
V-Mover 03 (Guard Gunner)
The V-Mover (Vers Mover) is a multi-variable power suit that can respond to various situations. It is the third generation of the power suit series developed after the Neo Attack System. Like the previous P/S series, it is equipped with variable functions such as Mech Mode and Maneuver Mode, and by changing to a Bollet Core-type module, it can be fully interlocked with the VERS compatible multi-purpose combat system.
The V-Mover 03 (Guard Gunner) is a multi-variable power suit with a high-visibility canopy and robust breast armor.
It has been tuned to produce more powerful power output in its humanoid maneuver mode and machine mode, making it ideal for work support and guard combat during operations. It can also be operated as a small tank-type machine by attaching a crawler running function expansion unit to the lower part of the fuselage when in Bollet Mode.

V-Mover 03 Bullet Mode

Ride Mode

Mech Mode

Mech mode B

Maneuver Mode

V Mover recombination example

Arm Unit / Dual Armed Machine

Exoskeleton-type powered arm. Interchangeable armament attachments can be attached to the arm mount at the tip, and when not attached, it can be used as two FZD-MAX cannons. One interchangeable armament attachment can be mounted on the expansion joint.

Connection with optional products

Connection with Verse Riser No.2 parts

Connection with Battle Convoy V-MAX

All items except DA-66 Verse Riser No.3 are not included in the product.
Connection with Tri-Verse Tri-Rambler

All items except DA-66 Verse Riser No. 3 are not included in the product.
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