Maneuver Beta type

The Maneuver Beta Type is a powered system with enhanced driving force, developed as a development of the C-Type Power Suit. Like the base model, it emphasizes maneuverability in Mech Mode, which is controlled manually, and comes in two types: a seated ride form and a prone dive form. It fights not only in crafting maneuvers, but also in combat maneuvers, utilizing its tremendous driving power to fight as a power fighter with outstanding destructive power.
Power Breaker

An optical particle cutting drill. The drill bit shoots out and can be used as a sinker shell to dive inside enemy machines and blow them up.
Club Claw

An advanced attachment for the Scratcher, a device with a power grip and all-purpose engineering functions.
Mech Mode

Ride Mode

Integrate Mode

Hangar Mode

Raid Chamber Land Type
Powered System Maneuver Series Overview
The new mobile infantry machine sent by the Waruda Legion, commonly known as the Waruda Suit, was a powerful weapon of destruction aimed at destroying the Powered System of the Diaclone Corps.
In order to counter the new threat posed by the Waruda Mobile Infantry, which far surpasses the power of the previous generation Waruda suits, the Diaclone Corps hastened to upgrade the Powered System!

The Powered System Maneuver Series is one of the variations of the Powered Suit with expanded functions, and is a combat mobility armor with enhanced mobility on its own. Its overall height has been increased to 135% of that of a normal powered suit, and the number of small Freezon generators that generate total body drive power has been increased to five, so it is said to have the fighting potential to compete with the new Waruda Mobile Infantry Machine (Waruda Suit) on its own. In addition to the three hard points on the back and two on the thighs, two hard points have been added to the shoulders, and in addition to the conventional weapon manipulator holding system, the arms are armed with a system joint system that allows specialized attachments to be attached to the forearms according to purpose. In Mech Mode, it is possible to use the conventional Pac-Man as a weapon. In Mech Mode, in addition to the conventional power dome hatch release type, it can also be operated with the door closed so that it can be immediately shifted to a combat stance.

Standard Equipment

Raid Chambers

Raid Chamber Land Type is one of the variations of the powered system storage container, and is mainly used for land transport.
The image shows a customized model with an additional arm hanger to suspend the PS maneuver type attachmet. It is stowed in the maneuver type retraction mode, and moved out by small rollers in the knee and toe sections. There are multiple connection joints on the top, back and bottom of the chamber, and it can be used for various purposes such as connecting and fixing chambers, suspending weapons, etc.
Raid Chamber connection

Raid Chamber connectors

(DA-2X Powered System Maneuver shown for illustrative purposes.)

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